Friday 16 October 2009

How Easy Is This?

Well for a almost techno virgin that was quite easy. Not sure why I want a blog but lots of interesting people seem to have them .... posting photos of their interesting lives and activities.

I'm thinking hey why not an ordinary woman like me.

I plan to share the highlights of my ordinary life in the hope it may make many people feel satisfied and more content (is that the same thing?) with their lot. This week for instance although invited to a 'design show' ( sounds fairly interesting and truthfully it was quite interesting I'm sure the glamourous people would really big it up, lots of trendy people, free wine, photographers buzzing around ... it was too busy, my drink was warm and I was driving and who got me to sign a disclaimer on the photography front, my roots are dreadful and I can do without appearing in the local rag or similar.

How much do you put in a blog? I'm going to look at how to get photos on that makes it much more interesting and naturally do a profile (do I own up to who I am?) Gosh isnt this fun :)

P.S I need to add a like, I very much like IDUK Patriot sofa's, Olio is the most amazing piece of furniture I have seen and I need it ... need to work harder and make more money to get it. How far is Nottingham as I want to sit on it?